Chello deep dish
Proljetni deep dish
- Rajčica, sir, 6 vrsta povrća (tomato, cheese, 6 types of vegetables)
- Pizza za dvije osobe (pizza for two people)
21 €
Chicago style double decker
- Chicago classic
- Pizza za dvije osobe (pizza for two people)
21 €
Chicago style double decker
- Chicago classic s junećim raguom
- Pizza za dvije osobe (pizza for two people)
22 €
Ultimate deep dish pizza
- 3 vrste sira, po izboru četvrti ljuti ili blagi topljeni sir, dvije vrste dimljenog sušenog mesa, svježi špinat, umak od rajčice (3 types of cheese, optionally a fourth type of spicy or mild melted cheese, two types of smoked dried meat, fresh spinach, tomato sauce)
- Pizza za dvije osobe (pizza for two people)
21 €
Mex deep dish
- Rajčica, sir, piletina s povrćem u mex umaku, halapenos papričice (
tomato, cheese, chicken with vegetables in a Mexican sauce, jalapeno peppers)
- Pizza za dvije osobe (pizza for two people)
21 €
- Rajčica, sir (tomato, cheese)
9,30 €
- Rajčica, sir, šunka (tomato, cheese, ham)
9,80 €
- Rajčica, sir, gljive (tomato, cheese, mushrooms)
9,80 €
- Rajčica, sir, šunka, gljive (tomato, cheese, ham, mushrooms)
10,40 €
Capriciosa 2
- Rajčica, sir, šunka, gljive, artičoke (tomato, cheese, ham, mushrooms, artichokes)
10,40 €
- Rajčica, sir, šunka, gljive, svježa paprika, vrhnje (tomato, cheese, ham, mushrooms, fresh bell pepper, cream)
10,10 €
Al tonno
- Rajčica, sir, tuna, crveni luk ili češnjak (tomato, cheese, tuna, red onion or garlic)
10,10 €
- Rajčica, sir, šunka, gljive, špek, ljuti feferoni (tomato, cheese, ham, mushrooms, bacon, hot peppers)
10,20 €
Quattro formaggio
- Rajčica, gauda, mozzarella, gorgonzola, roquefort (tomato, gauda, mozzarella, gorgonzola, roquefort)
10,30 €
- Rajčica, sir, šunka, kulen, špek, vrhnje, ljuti feferoni (tomato, cheese, ham, kulen, bacon, cream, hot peppers)
10,30 €
Slavonska 2
- Rajčica, sir, vratina, kulen, fileti paprika, ajvar, ljuti feferoni (tomato, cheese, pork neck, kulen, pepper fillets, ajvar, hot peppers)
10,30 €
- Rajčica, sir, šunka, kulen, vratina, dimljeni sir, mozzarella, vrhnje, slatki feferoni (tomato, cheese, ham, kulen, pork neck, smoked cheese, mozzarella, cream, sweet peppers)
11 €
- Rajčica, sir, kulen, grah, kukuruz, vrabasco, chilli, ljuti feferoni (tomato, cheese, kulen, beans, corn, vrabasco, chili, hot peppers)
10,30 €
- Rajčica, dupla porcija sira, dupla porcija vratine, svježi špinat, grčka feta, mozzarella (tomato, double portion of cheese, double portion of pork neck, fresh spinach, Greek feta, mozzarella)
11,20 €
- Rajčica, sir, šunka, kulen, špek, dimljeni sir, slatki feferoni (tomato, cheese, ham, kulen, bacon, smoked cheese, sweet peppers)
10,40 €
- Rajčica, sir, šunka, gljive, kulen, mozzarella, tabasco (tomato, cheese, ham, mushrooms, kulen, mozzarella,Tabasco)
10,40 €
- Rajčica, sir, kulen, mozzarella, vrhnje, ljuti feferoni (tomato, cheese, kulen, mozzarella, cream, hot peppers)
10,40 €
Chello specijal
- Rajčica, sir, šunka, kulen, špek, vratina, dimljeni sir, mozzarella, ljuti feferoni (tomato, cheese, ham, kulen, bacon, pork neck, smoked cheese, mozzarella, hot peppers)
11,40 €
- Rajčica, sir, šunka, vratina, jaje, luk, mozzarella (tomato, cheese, ham, pork neck, egg, onion, mozzarella)
11,40 €
- Rajčica, sir, pršut, mozzarella, vrhnje, rezane masline (tomato, cheese, prosciutto, mozzarella, cream, sliced olives)
10,70 €
- Rajčica, sir, špek, rukola, cherry rajčica, mozzarella (tomato, cheese, bacon, arugula, cherry tomato, mozzarella)
11,40 €
Mediterana 2
- Rajčica, sir, pršut, rukola, cherry rajčica, mozzarella (tomato, cheese, prosciutto, arugula, cherry tomato, mozzarella)
11,40 €
- Rajčica, sir, svježa paprika, svježa rajčica, kukuruz, luk (tomato, cheese, fresh bell pepper, fresh tomato, corn, onion)
10 €
- Rajčica, sir, šunka (tomato, cheese, ham)
9,60 €
Romana / Napolitana style
Margherita bella
- Polpa, mozzarella, mozzarella fior di latte, svježi bosiljak, origano (tomato pulp, mozzarella, mozzarella fior di latte, fresh basil, oregano)
11,10 €
Chello Italiano
- Polpa, mozzarella fior di latte, Prosciutto cotto, dimljeni špek, Čardaš sir, dimljeni sir, Peperoni veneti, origano (tomato pulp, mozzarella fior di latte, cooked ham, smoked bacon, Čardaš cheese, smoked cheese, Venetian pepper, oregano)
14,30 €
Italiano cotto
- Polpa , mozzarella, mozzarella fior di latte, prosciutto cotto, papadew papričice, origano (tomato pulp, mozzarella, mozzarella fior di latte, cooked ham, papadew peppers, oregano)
12,80 €
La brezza
- Polpa mozzarella, mozzarella fior di latte, pršut, rukola, cherry rajčica, origano (tomato pulp, mozzarella, mozzarella fior di latte, prosciutto, arugula, cherry tomato, oregano)
13 €
Italiano mare
- Polpa, mozzarella, mozzarella fior di latte, plodovi mora, svježi bosiljak, grana padano, origano (tomato pulp, mozzarella, mozzarella fior di latte, seafood, fresh basil, Grana Padano cheese, oregano)
14,40 €
Prosciuto e funghi
- Polpa, mozzarella, prosciuto cotto, gljive, artičoke, mozzarella fior di latte (tomato pulp, mozzarella, cooked ham, mushrooms, artichokes, mozzarella fior di latte)
12,80 €
Veganske pizze
Veganska margharita
- Polpa, veganska gauda (tomato pulp, vegan gouda)
10,90 €
Veganska funghi
- Polpa, veganska gauda, gljive (tomato pulp, vegan gouda, mushrooms)
11,70 €
Veganka 1
- Polpa, veganska gauda, veganska kobasica, papadew papričice, artičoke, tikvice, šampinjoni, origano (tomato pulp, vegan gouda, vegan sausage, papadew peppers, artichokes, zucchini, mushrooms, oregano)
13,50 €
Veganka 2
- Polpa, veganska gauda, rikola, paprika, cherry rajčica, peperoni veneti, origano (tomato pulp, vegan gouda, arugula, bell pepper, cherry tomato, Venetian pepper, oregano)
12,80 €
Veganka 3
- Polpa, veganska gauda, tikvice, rajčica, paprika, luk, kukuruz (tomato pulp, vegan gouda, zucchini, tomato, bell pepper, onion, corn)
12,80 €
Veganska special
- Veganski umak od češnjaka, veganska gauda, seitan bolognes, luk (vegan garlic sauce, vegan gouda, seitan bolognese, onion)
13,50 €
Vege deep dish
- Polpa, veganska gauda, šampinjoni, špinat, paprika, luk, cherry rajčice (tomato pulp, vegan gouda, mushrooms, spinach, bell pepper, onion, cherry tomatoes)
- Pizza za dvije osobe (pizza for two people)
22,50 €
Original American deep dish
American deep dish
- Edamer, mozzarella, mozzarella fior di latte, šunka, dimljeni špek, umak šefa kuhinje, origano (Edamer, mozzarella, mozzarella fior di latte, ham, smoked bacon, chef’s sauce, oregano)
- Pizza za dvije osobe (pizza for two people)
24 €
Deep deep dish
- Edamer, mozzarella, 3X mozzarella fior di latte, ementaler, ljuta kobasica, umak šefa kuhinje, grana padano, origano (Edamer, mozzarella, 3X mozzarella fior di latte, ementaler, spicy sausage, chef’s sauce, Grana Padano cheese, oregano)
- Pizza za dvije osobe (pizza for two people)
26,50 €
Chello specijalke
- 5 vrsta sireva, 4 vrste mesa, 3 vrste umaka (five types of cheese, four types od meat, three types of sauce)
20 €
Goo – Tam
- Rajčica, sir, kulen, svježa mozzarella, ljutkasti sir (tomato, cheese, kulen, fresh mozzarella, spicy cheese)
19 €
Babygoo – tam
- Rajčica, sir, kulen, svježa mozzarella, ljutkasti sir (tomato, cheese, kulen, fresh mozzarella, spicy cheese)
11,30 €
- Umak od rajčice, edamer sir, juneći bolognez (20 dkg), grana padano, crveni luk (tomato sauce, Edam cheese, beef Bolognese (20 dkg), Grana Padano, red onion)
13,20 €
Frutti di mare
- Rajčica, sir, svježi plodovi mora, svježi češnjak (tomato, cheese, fresh seafood, fresh garlic)
12,40 €
Quatro Pépe formaggi
- Rajčica, sir edamer, dimljeni sir, čardaš sir, ementaler sir, kulen, halapenos papričice (tomato, Edam cheese, smoked cheese, Čardaš cheese, Emmental cheese, kulen, jalapeño peppers)
12,50 €
Junior E.E.L.
- Rajčica, sir, šunka, rubovi punjeni pilećom hrenovkom, kukuruz, gljive uz rub pizze, 2 umaka (tomato, cheese, ham, edges filled with chicken frankfurter, corn, mushrooms on the pizza edge, 2 sauces)
11,40 €
- Polpa, edamer, šunka, vratina, kulen, čardaš sir, mozzarella, vrhnje, papadew papričice (tomato pulp, Edam cheese, ham, pork neck, kulen, Čardaš cheese, mozzarella, cream, papadew peppers)
13,50 €
Toplo hladna
- tanko tijesto, sir, edamer, domaći špek, čardaš sir, svježi češnjak, toplo hladni umak šefa kuhinje (thin dough, cheese, edamer, homemade bacon, čardaš cheese, fresh garlic, warm cold sauce by the chef of the kitchen)
- posebna ponuda samo u lokalu
13,50 €
Lasagne Bolognese
- Mljeveno juneće meso, pelati rajčica, sir, bechamel, parmezan, lepinja
(ground beef, peeled tomatoes, cheese, béchamel, parmesan, bun)
8,50 €
Lasagne Special
- Mljeveno juneće meso, pelati rajčica, sir, šunka, gljive, bechamel parmezan, lepinja (ground beef, peeled tomatoes, cheese, ham, mushrooms, bechamel, parmesan, bun)
8,80 €
Slavonske Lasagne
- Mljeveno juneće meso, pelati rajčica, sir, špek, kulen, jaje, ljuti feferoni, čardaš sir, bechamel parmezan, lepinja (ground beef, peeled tomatoes, cheese, bacon, kulen (a type of sausage), egg, hot peppers, Čardaš cheese, béchamel, parmesan, bun)
9,40 €
Lasagne Chello
- Mljeveno juneće meso, umak od rajčice, sir, šunka, dimljeni sir, mozzarela, bechamel parmezan, lepinja (ground beef, tomato sauce, cheese, ham, smoked cheese, mozzarella, béchamel, parmesan, bun)
9 €

- Prilozi 1 (jaje, vrhnje, umak od rajčice, ajvar, grah, kukuruz, luk, feferoni) 0,70 €
- Prilozi 2 (svježa paprika, svježa rajčica, fileti paprika, zelene masline, halapenos) 0,80 €
- Prilozi 3 (sir, šunka, gljive, špek, rezane masline, umak od češnjaka, tikvice, posebni umaci ua pizze (na upit), obično tijesto (bula)) 1 €
- Prilozi 4 (dimljeni sir, grčka feta, polpa) 1,10 €
- Prilozi 5 (kulen, vratina, gorgonzola, rocquefort, tuna, ljuti i blagi topljeni sir) 1,20 €
- Prilozi 6 (kranjska kobasica) 2,80
- Prilozi 7 (pršut, rikula, cherry rajčica, mozzarella, špinat, dimljeni topljeni sir, šunka u vlastitom soku, ementaler) 1,50 €
- Prilozi 8 (pileće hrenovke u rubu, svježi bosiljak, peperoni veneti, peppadew papričice, talijansko tijesto bula) 1,60 €
- Prilozi 9 (grana padano) 2 €
- Prilozi 10 (mex. piletina, juneći ragu, plodovi mora, artičoke) 2,30 €
- Prilozi 11 (mozzarella fior di latte, ljuta kobasica) 2,80 €
- Prilozi 12 (vege mozzarella) 2,80 €

Alkoholna pića
Likeri, rakije, Gin, Aura
- Teranino, Badem i maslina, Suha smokva, Divlje voće, Divlja kruška, Šljiva, Divlja jabuka, Medica, Biska, Travarica, Moscato, Ruža… 0,03l 3,20 €
- GIN KARBUN 4,80 €
- GIN KARBUN SEA edition 5,70 €
- GIN KARBUN NAVY Alc.vol:58,5% 8 €
- AURA Karbun cocktail (gin, teranino, tonik) 10 €
- AURA Navy cocktail 10 €
- Aura Amaro 0,03l 4 €
- Vino kuće bijelo ili crno 0,10 l 2 €
- Vino kuće bijelo ili crno 1,00 l 20 €
- Gemišt 0,2 l 2,50 €
- Gemišt 0,3 l 2,90 €
- GENTILE malvazija 0,75 l 22 €
- DE GOTHO GRAŠEVINA 0,75 l 45 €
- COSSETO Vale la pena 0,75 l 50 €
- TALO malvasia nero 0,75 l 30 €
- GENTILE merlot 0,75 l 23 €
- ARMAN Cabarnet sauvignon 0,75 l 40 €
- BOLFAN Pinot noir 0,75 l 40 €
- MAXIMO NERO 0,75l 40 €
- Osječko crni radler 0,5l 3,60 €
- Pan radler 0,5 l 3,90 €
- Pan lager 0,5 l 3,50 €
- Pan Zlatni 0,5 l 3,90 €
- Budweiser 0,5 l 4 €
- Budweiser tamni 0,5 l 4 €
- Velebitsko 0,5l 5,50 €
- Carlsberg 0,33 l 3,70 €
Craft pivo
Pale Ale točeno 0,3 l 3,50 €
Pale Ale točeno 0,5 l 4 €PIVOVARA MEDVEDGRAD (sva Medvedgrad piva odležavaju 60 dana u fermentoru
prije nego budu puštena u prodaju)Zlatni medvjed lager 0,5 l 5,40 €
Grička vještica lager 0,5 l 6 €
Crna kraljica tamni lager 0,5 l 5 €
Fakin IPA 0,33 l 5 €PIVIONICA
Fulir svjetli lager 0,5 l 5 €
PALE ALE 0,5 l 6 €
SIESTA 0,5 l 6 €
POP! Lager 0,5 l 5,80 €
NEON STOUT 0,5 lBRLOG – Zadarska pivovara
PLAVUŠA 0,5 l 6 €
Međimurski lager 0,5 l 6 €
DVA KLASA pšenično 0,5 l 5,20 €
PAULANER 0,5l 5,20 €Alkoholna pića
- Antique Pelin 0,03l 2,70 €
- Johnnie Walker 0,03 l 2,70 €
- Martell 0,03 l 4,30 €
- Chivas Regal 0,03 l 4 €
- Tequila 0,03 l 2,60 €
- Smirnoff vodka 0,03 l 2,70 €
- Jagermeister 0,03 l 3 €
- Jack Daniels 0,03 l 3,80 €
- Pelinkovac 0,03 l 2 €
- Gin Mare 0,03 l 6,50 €
- Viljamovka 0,03 l 4 €

Ostala pića
Topli napitci
- Kava espresso 1,50 €
- Kava mala mlijeko 2 €
- Kava velika mlijeko 2,30 €
- Bijela kava 2,50 €
- Kava bez kofeina 2 €
- Kava B.K. mala mlijeko 2,50 €
- Kava B.K. velika mlijeko 2,50 €
- Capuccino 2,50 €
- Nescaffe 2,50 €
- Čaj 2 €
- Čaj s medom i limunom 2,50 €
- Kakao 2,80 €
- Vruća čokolada 3 €
- Mlijeko 0,80 €
Obična gazirana voda
- Jamnica 0,25 l 2 €
- Jamnica 0,5 l 2,60 €
- Jamnica 0,75 l 3 €
- Jamnica 0,10 l 0,50 €
- Jamnica Sensation 2,50 €
- Jana 0,33 l 2 €
- Jana 0,75 l 3 €
Cider / bezalkoholno
- GRIN sparkling water 0,5 l
( limeta,malina, guava – Alc.vol: 4% ) 5,20 €
Somersby 0,33l
( razni okusi – Alc.vol: 4,5% ) 4,60 €
Somersby 0,33l
( razni okusi – Alc.vol: 0% ) 4,50 €
HIDRA 0,5 l
( limun, naranča – Alc.vol:0% ) 3,50 €
Red Bull 0,25l 5,50 €
- Coca-cola 0,25l 3 €
- Coca-cola 0,25l 3 €
- Fanta 0,25l 3 €
- Sprite 0,25l 3 €
- Schweppes 0,25l 3,50 €
- Prirodni sok 0,2l 3,40 €
- Ledeni čaj 0,33l 2,80 €
- Cockta 0,25l 3 €
- Pipi 0,25l 3 €
- Cedevita 2 €